Demo “Family reunification NOW!” on February 22.02.2024, XNUMX

By 28. February 2024Events, Politics
Tens of thousands of families who were separated through flight and persecution are currently waiting to be reunited in Germany. Above all, legal regulations prevent family reunification from taking place quickly, legally and humanely. The “traffic light” coalition had promised legal improvements in its coalition agreement in November 2021 - but nothing has happened since then. Even in cases where those affected already have a legal right to family reunification, a lack of digitalization and slow authorities lead to endless procedures that usually last for several years.

For this reason we are on February 22.02nd. took to the streets together. We demanded from the Federal Government and the Foreign Office:  

  • Sibling reunification NOW!

In the coalition agreement, the “traffic light” government promised: “We will not leave underage siblings behind when parents are allowed to join unaccompanied minors.” To this day, however, in the case of unaccompanied minor refugees who had to flee alone from countries such as Afghanistan or Somalia due to the threat of forced recruitment or forced marriage, the parents, but not the siblings, have the right to family reunification. This means that even “nuclear families” are being torn apart. The parents have to decide which of their children they will leave alone - an unbearable burden for the families affected. The federal government must finally recognize that siblings are part of the family and have the right to join their sister or brother in Germany - and implement the announced legal changes.

  • Family reunification with people entitled to subsidiary protection NOW!

For war refugees who receive subsidiary protection, family reunification is made more difficult, even though they often come from the same countries and have comparable protection needs as refugees recognized under the Geneva Refugee Convention (GFK). However, unlike refugees, their reunification is currently limited to 1.000 people per month and is subject to additional conditions. In the coalition agreement, the traffic light coalition committed itself to ““to equate family reunification with those receiving subsidiary protection with NVC refugees.”. The federal government must finally keep this promise to those affected!

  • End the wait – NOW!
Even separated families who already have a legal right to family reunification suffer from long waiting times and complicated jurisdiction rules. For example, families from Afghanistan can only submit their visa applications to two German embassies, in Pakistan and Iran. In both embassies the waiting time for an appointment is over two years! During this time, the families are separated from their spouses, parents and children in Germany, often have to hide from the Taliban for fear of persecution and live under the most difficult conditions. The Foreign Office must finally act: it must expand capacities at embassies, handle jurisdiction rules more flexibly and enable digital applications and video interviews.
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