Berlin specialist center for children and young people in the network for particularly vulnerable refugees (BNS)


Do you have any questions or do you need support on the following topics?

  • Multiple vulnerabilities in addition to being a minor (including disability, trauma, violence, gender and sex-specific persecution, LGBT*IQ)
  • unaccompanied minor refugees
  • Advice on asylum and residence law
  • Alternative perspectives and options
  • Entitlement to youth welfare
  • Termination of care/age assessment
  • guardianship
  • conflicts in the family
  • School (registration, conflicts, perspectives / opportunities)
  • special educational needs
  • Mediation and communication with the authorities and institutions, such as e.g. youth welfare office, school, etc.
Daniel Jasch
Project coordination/social work
Asal Akhavan
Sub-coordinator/social work
Tanya Zwick
social worker
Anna Moller
the Psychologin
Advice is generally only available by appointment by telephone or email.
[email protected]

Telephone consultation hours:
Monday 13pm-15pm
Tel .: 030 - 666 407 21

Open consultation hours without appointment (for initial consultation and in case of urgent need for action):
Thursday 10.30 - 15 clock
Please expect a waiting time

Our consultations are of course free of charge! The project is funded by: