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The asylum counselling for minors, their parents, guardians and mentors within the framework of the AMIF project “development and implementation of quality standards regarding asylum seekers” is aimed at:
- accompanied and unaccompanied minors seeking asylum during the asylum procedure
- accompanied and unaccompanied minors who wish to appeal against the BAMF rejection notice or who are already in the process of a law suit
- accompanied and unaccompanied minors granted subsidiary protection who wish to appeal against the BAMF’s partial rejection decision or who are already in the process of doing so.
The counseling includes:
- explanation of the asylum procedure,
- explanation of the substantive conditions for each protection title in the asylum procedure,
- explanation of special procedural guarantees for particularly vulnerable persons in accordance with EU Directive (2013/32/EU (Asylum Procedures Directive), in the case of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers* consideration and inclusion of multiple protection needs,
- child-friendly, and therefore time-consuming preparation and follow-up of the interview during the asylum procedure: targeted preparation of the interview enables the BAMF Special Representative for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers to conduct the hearing efficiently, qualitatively and in a focused manner and in the interest of the welfare of the child
- explanation of the positive/negative legal consequences of the BAMF decisions,
- explanation of possible appeals against (partial) refusals,
- assistance in lodging appeals (legal action and application for urgent legal protection)
- discussion of the legal situation with the lawyer of the project; if necessary, representation by a lawyer,
- assistance in submitting a follow-up application if necessary,
- support in lodging appeals (lawsuit and § 80V application, if necessary consideration of management reports and court decisions), in particular on child-specific reasons for flight.
This project is carried out together with the Flüchtlingsrat Berlin; you can find our focal points here.
The project is co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Union and Berlin state funds.