Contact Information
Opening hours
The procedural advice for refugees is aimed primarily at:
- Asylum seekers
- Recognised refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and persons residing for reasons of international law and humanitarian law
- people with “tolerance” (“Duldung”)
- people who are obliged to leave the country
We advise and support you with questions about:
- asylum procedure
- preparations for the interview at the BAMF
- consultations on Dublin III procedures
- legal proceedings (advice and mediation of lawyers)
- residence law perspectives alongside the asylum procedure
- other problems relating to residence law (residence requirement, work permit, etc.)
- imminent deportation
- asylum seekers benefits
- benefits according to SGB II (Jobcenter)
- benefits according to SGB XII (social welfare)
Please bring all necessary documents and papers with you!
Please take a look here for the current consultaion hours due to Corona.
Open office hours:
Mondays from 11 am – 4 pm
And in special situations by appointment via e-mail.
Mondays from 11 am – 4 pm
And in special situations by appointment via e-mail.
As list places are allocated for the consultation, please arrive at 10.30 am and be prepared for longer waiting times.
Interpreters in Arabic, Farsi, French and English are usually on site. For other languages please contact us in advance.
Our consultations are free of charge! The project is supported by: